Package com.almis.awe.model.type
package com.almis.awe.model.type
Enum ClassesClassDescriptionAnswerType Enumerated List of allowed web service typesAttributeRestrictionType Enumerated Attribute list of componentsCellDataType Enumerated List of allowed cell data types in DataListChartParameterType Enumerated List of allowed chart parameter typesChartType Enumerated List of allowed chart typesCrosshairType Class Used to get crosshair types in tooltip chart elementEmailMessageType Enumerated List of allowed email message typesFilterValueType Enumerated List of allowed types of values in filtersInputType Enumerated List of allowed input types of criteriaJMSServiceType Enumerated List of allowed JMS service typesChartType Enumerated List of allowed chart typesAlign column typesLoadType Enumerated List of allowed initial load in criteriaMaintainBuildOperation EnumeratedMaintainType Enumerated List of allowed maintain operationsNumeric Formats type EnumNumericType Enumerated List of allowed web numeric typesOutputFormatType Enumerated List of allowed widget parameter typesParameterType Enumerated List of allowed parameter types in queriesQueueMessageType Enumerated List of allowed queue message typesQueueMessageWrapperType Enumerated List of allowed queue message wrapper typesRestContentType Enumerated List of allowed REST content typesRestrictionType Enumerated List of screen restrictionsRoundingType Enumerated List of allowed web numeric typesRowType Enumerated List of row modification typesSelectedValueType Enumerated List of selected value type in criteriaTotalizeFunctionType Enumerated List of allowed totalise function types in queriesTotalizeFunctionType Enumerated List of allowed totalise function types in queriesTransformType Enumerated List of allowed transform types in queriesUnionType Enumerated List of allowed web service typesWidgetParameterType Enumerated List of allowed widget parameter types