Package com.almis.awe.model.entities.queries

package com.almis.awe.model.entities.queries
  • Classes
    Case Class
    CaseWhen Class
    Compound Class Used to parse the files Queries.xml with XStream Compund fields
    Computed Class Used to parse the file Queries.xml with XStream Computed field from queries.
    Variable Class Used to parse the files Queries.xml and Maintain.xml with XStream Parses a variable in the query
    DatabaseConnection Class Bean class with database connection
    DatabaseConnectionInfo Class Bean class with message queue connection info
    Field Class Used to parse the files Queries.xml and Maintain.xml with XStream Table Fields from queries and maintain
    Filter Class
    FilterAnd Class Used to parse the files Queries.xml and Maintain.xml with XStream Filter group concatenated with 'AND'
    FilterGroup Class Used to parse the files Queries.xml and Maintain.xml with XStream Filter group.
    FilterOr Class Used to parse the files Queries.xml and Maintain.xml with XStream Filter group concatenated with 'OR'
    GroupBy Class Used to parse the files Queries.xml with XStream Generates a group by statement inside a query
    Join Class Used to parse the files Queries.xml with XStream Generates a join with another table
    Operation Class Used to parse the files Queries.xml and Maintain.xml with XStream Wrapper around elements that should be operated by an operator
    OrderBy Class Used to parse the files Queries.xml with XStream Generates an order by statement
    OutputField Class Used to parse the files Queries.xml and Maintain.xml with XStream Superclass of Field and Computed class
    Over Class Used to parse window functions Generates a OVER condition in a query
    PartitionBy Class Used to parse the files Queries.xml with XStream Generates a group by statement inside a query
    Queries Class Used to parse the files Queries.xml with XStream Stores the query list
    Query Class Used to parse the files Queries.xml with XStream Generates and launches a query statement
    SqlField Class Used to parse the files Queries.xml and Maintain.xml with XStream Superclass of Field and Computed class
    Table Class Used to parse the files Queries.xml with XStream Generates a table statement
    Totalize Class Used to parse the file Queries.xml with XStream Totalize from queries.
    TotalizeBy Class Used to parse the files Queries.xml and Maintain.xml with XStream Fields used to totalize
    TotalizeBy Class Used to parse the files Queries.xml and Maintain.xml with XStream Fields which are going to be totalized
    Transition field Class Used to parse the files Queries.xml and Maintain.xml with XStream Table Fields from queries and maintain
    Union Class Used to parse the files Queries.xml with XStream Generates an union statement
    Variable Class Used to parse the files Queries.xml and Maintain.xml with XStream Parses a variable in the query