All Classes and Interfaces
AbstractAction Class
Used to parse screen actions with XStream
Parent class for ButtonAction, Menu and Option classes
Button Class
Used to parse the Button Component in a screen with XStream
Launches contained Button Actions when it is clicked
ChartAxis Class
Abstract Criteria Class
Screen criteria
Grid Class
Abstract query builder
AbstractQueryConnector Class
Launches a Rest service
ServiceRest Class
Used to parse the tag 'rest' in file Services.xml with XStream
This file contains a rest call using the default REST URL and the service parameters
Widget Decorator
Access bean must implement this class to allow the correct execution of the access call from spring security configuration
Created by dfuentes on 11/04/2017.
Manage application accesses
Accordion Class
Used to parse an accordion with XStream
Generates an accordion with collapsible elements
AccordionItem Class
Used to parse an accordion item with XStream
Generates an accordion item
Action Class
Used to parse the Actions.xml file with XStream
This class is used to parse a single action inside the file
Action entry point.
Manage all incoming action requests
Actions Class
Used to parse the Actions.xml file with XStream
This class is used to parse the action list
Manage application action calls
Replace columns action builder
Replace columns action builder
Add classes action builder
Fill action builder
Add rows action builder
Align column types
Class load annotation processor definitions
Also enables Aspect definitions with Auto-proxying
Created by pgarcia on 06/06/2017.
Answer Class
Used to parse the Actions.xml file with XStream
This class is used to parse an answer
AnswerType Enumerated
List of allowed web service types
AttributeRestrictionType Enumerated
Attribute list of components
Audit annotation
This annotation can audit a full class or specified methods depending on the place the annotation is set
Audit annotations pointcuts and advices
Annotation that defines the elements to be audited on @Audit annotations
Authentication configuration class.
Authentication type Enum
Avatar Class
Used to add an avatar element with XStream
Access denied handler
AWE Autoconfiguration
ClientTracker Class
Bean class with user navigation info
Application constants
The type Awe elements.
JMS Destination list
Filter every request to enrich log information
Logout access control bean
Created by pgarcia on 13/06/2019.
Tasl decorator to propagate MDC parameters to child threads
Specific AWE not found Exception class
Specific AWE Exception class
Formatted exception to show a title and a description of the thrown ERROR
AWE Rest module configuration properties
REST API awe-rest for launching queries and maintains
AWE response Rest DTO class.
Routing datasource
AWE Runtime exception.
Session details
Specific AWE Session Exception class
Formatted exception to show a title and a description of the thrown ERROR
Created by pgarcia
AWE testing config properties
AWE user detail service
Retrieve user info to authenticate
Specific AWE Exception class
Formatted exception to show a title and a description of the thrown ERROR
Configuration class to loading azure oauth2 EntraID service
Application Base configuration properties
Configuration properties of awe components
Filemanager config properties
Application Xml files config properties
Jms (Java messages system) configuration properties
Application parameters configuration
Paths property configuration
(@ means relative path to app base path)
Screen names configuration properties
BroadcastService Class
Button Class
Used to parse the Button Component in a screen with XStream
Launches contained Button Actions when it is clicked
ButtonAction Class
Used to parse button actions with XStream
ButtonAction class extends from AbstractAction
DAO to manage schedule calendars
Call Class
Used to parse the Actions.xml file with XStream
This class is used to parse a call
Case Class
CaseWhen Class
CellData Class
CellData as an standard data output
CellDataType Enumerated
List of allowed cell data types in DataList
Row process interface
Chart Class
ChartAxis Class
Chart Constants
ChartLegend Class
ChartParameter Class
ChartParameterType Enumerated
List of allowed chart parameter types
ChartSerie Class
Bean to define a chart serie point
Replace columns action builder
ChartTooltip Class
ChartType Enumerated
List of allowed chart types
ClientAction Class
Used to parse the file Actions.xml with XStream
Action sent to the browser to be executed at client side
Client action builder
ColorUtil Class
Utils to do conversions of color codes.
Column Class
Used to parse a grid column with XStream
Column class extends from Criteria
Row process interface
DAO to manage schedule commands
Commit Class
Used to parse the file Maintain.xml with XStream
Target for launching a commit
CellData comparator
CompareRow Class
Used to compare two rows in sort service data
CompareRow Class
Used to compare two rows in sort service data
Component decorator
Used to parse a COMPONENT with XStream
Superclass of all component, like Window, Button, ButtonAction, Message, Column, Criteria, Grid, Tab
Component sizes enumerated
Compound Class
Used to parse the files Queries.xml with XStream
Compund fields
Computed column class
Compression utilities
Computed Class
Used to parse the file Queries.xml with XStream
Computed field from queries.
Computed column class
Confirm action builder
Variable Class
Used to parse the files Queries.xml and Maintain.xml with XStream
Parses a variable in the query
Container Class
Panel class
Created by pgarcia on 07/04/2017.
Created by pgarcia on 07/04/2017.
ContextButton Class
Used to add an context menu option with XStream
ContextSeparator Class
Used to add an context menu separator with XStream
Copy rows action builder
Criteria Class
Used to parse a criteria tag with XStream
Generates an screen criteria
CrosshairType Class
Used to get crosshair types in tooltip chart element
Encryption annotation to encrypt/decrypt fields and input parameters
Cryptographic module Contains some basic encrypt utilities
Action type to apply
AES encryption utilities
Crypto annotation processor containing pointcuts and advises
Processor for the Crypto annotation
Css classes action builder
Database configuration properties
DatabaseConnection Class
Bean class with database connection
DatabaseConnectionInfo Class
Bean class with message queue connection info
DataList Class
DataList Builder
DataList Class
Data list formatted as an standard data output
DateUtil Class
Date Utilities for AWE
Delete Class
Delete row action builder
Dependency Class
Used to parse a criteria dependency with XStream
DependencyAction Class
Used to parse dependency actions with XStream
DependencyAction class extends from AbstractAction
DependencyElement Class
Used to parse a criteria dependency element with XStream
Developer module properties
Dialog Class
Dialog action builder
TotalizeRowProcessor class
Annotation to add a ClientAction on return
Base path enum
Get file action builder
GoTo annotations pointcuts and advices
Element decorator
Used to parse all tags from screen XML files with XStream
Email Class
Email Class
Created by dfuentes on 28/04/2017.
Email configuration
Email engine configuration properties
EmailItem Class
Created by dfuentes on 28/04/2017.
EmailMessage Class
EmailMessageType Enumerated
List of allowed email message types
Emails Class
Used to parse the files Email.xml with XStream
Stores the email list
Encode Service Class
Encode Utilities for awe
Static class to store hashing algorithms to make the call to these algorithms more understandable.
Generate enumerated datalists
Enumerated Class
Used to parse the file Enumerated.xml with XStream
Generates an enumerated group list
EnumeratedGroup Class
Used to parse the file Enumerated.xml with XStream
Generates an enumerated group
EnumQueryConnector Class
Connection class between QueryLauncher and EnumBuilder
Task timeout service
Service to manage favourite options for user
Field Class
Used to parse the files Queries.xml and Maintain.xml with XStream
Table Fields from queries and maintain
Manage template request
Stores the data to retrieve an uploaded file
Controller for File Manager
File Manager service
Manage application initialization
FileUtil Class
File Utilities for AWE
Fill action builder
Fill suggest action builder
Filter Class
Fill action builder
FilterAnd Class
Used to parse the files Queries.xml and Maintain.xml with XStream
Filter group concatenated with 'AND'
FilterColumn Class
Bean class with filter column definition
FilterGroup Class
Used to parse the files Queries.xml and Maintain.xml with XStream
Filter group.
FilterOr Class
Used to parse the files Queries.xml and Maintain.xml with XStream
Filter group concatenated with 'OR'
TotalizeRowProcessor class
FilterValueType Enumerated
List of allowed types of values in filters
Fix to QueryDSL Oracle Templates in diff management
Fix to QueryDSL Oracle Templates in diff management
Flyway configuration
Message Class
Used to parse a message tag with XStream
Generates a piece of code with literals that can be used to retrieve confirmation title and descriptions
Annotation to get parameter values from session context
Null behaviour enumerate
Global Class
Used to parse an element with name, value and label inside an XML with XStream
Annotation to add a ClientAction on return
GoTo annotations pointcuts and advices
Grid Class
Used to parse a grid tag with XStream
Generates an screen data grid
GroupBy Class
Used to parse the files Queries.xml with XStream
Generates a group by statement inside a query
GroupHeader Class
Used to add an GROUP header to a grid with XStream
Hashing annotation to hash fields and input parameters
Possible hashing algorithms to choose from
Hash annotation processor containing pointcuts and advises
Processor for the Hash annotation
Context help generation service
Replace columns action builder
Image Tag Class
Used to parse a tag with XStream
Default HTML Image tag
Include Class
Used to include another screen target with XStream
Loads another target from another screen
Serve Class
Info Class
InfoButton Class
Used to add an info with info button element with XStream
InfoCriteria Class
Used to add an info with criteria element with XStream
Initial load runner
Launches initial load values
Manage application initialization
InputType Enumerated
List of allowed input types of criteria
Insert Class
Used to parse the file Maintain.xml with XStream
Target for insert records.
Launches a Java service
Class used to launch initial load treads
JmsConnectionInfo Class
Bean class with message queue connection info
JMSServiceType Enumerated
List of allowed JMS service types
JmsMessage Class
JmsMessage Class
Superclass of MessageRequest and MessageResponse
Job Service Class
Enum Job types
Join Class
Used to parse the files Queries.xml with XStream
Generates a join with another table
ChartType Enumerated
List of allowed chart types
Json user and password parser
Custom Authentication EntryPoint.
Authentication filter to create JWT tokens
JWT Authorization filter.
Util class to manage authentication with JWT tokens.
LauncherService Class
AWE Launcher service
Provides functions to call service
Align column types
Custom ldap user details mapper
Used to set UserDetails
A Tag Class
Used to parse a tag with XStream
Default HTML A tag
Utilities for lists
LoadType Enumerated
List of allowed initial load in criteria
Annotation to translate Locale identifiers to their respective translated value
This class contains the pointcuts and advises for the @Locale annotation
Locale annotation processor
Locals class
Used to parse the files in 'local' folder with XStream
Generates a local list
Manage all incoming action requests
Manage application locales
Login access control bean
Created by dfuentes on 11/04/2017.
Login request info.
JWT Token info dto.
Manage logs
LogUtil Class
Returns an instance of logger.
Maintain Class
MaintainBuildOperation Enumerated
Maintain launcher interface
Class implements Quartz job Launch a batch thread
MaintainLauncher Class
Factory class of interface IMaintain
MaintainQuery Class
Used to parse the file Maintain.xml with XStream
Parent class for Insert, Update and Delete and Service operations.
Stores details about a maintain operation
Provides methods to insert/update/delete application data
MaintainType Enumerated
List of allowed maintain operations
Menu Class
Used to parse the files in 'menu' folder with XStream
Generates a menu
MenuContainer Class
Used to parse a menu tag with XStream
Generates a piece of code with literals that can be used to retrieve confirmation title and descriptions
Manage application Menus
Message Class
Used to parse a message tag with XStream
Generates a piece of code with literals that can be used to retrieve confirmation title and descriptions
Message action builder
Message creator with correlation id
MessageParameter Class
Used to parse the tag 'message-parameter' in file Queues.xml with XStream
This class is used to instantiate message parameters for a queue
MessageStatus Class
Used to parse the tag 'message-status' in file Queues.xml with XStream
This class is used to instantiate message status for a queue
MessageWrapper Class
Used to parse the tag 'message-wrapper' in file Queues.xml with XStream
This class is used to instantiate message parameters for a queue
Class used to start AWE as a microservice
Launches a Microservice
Multiple Class
Used to parse the file Maintain.xml with XStream
Target for multiple update records.
MyMemory config properties
Notifier module configuration
Numeric formats configuration properties
Numeric Formats type Enum
Numeric service Class
Numeric Utilities for AWE
NumericType Enumerated
List of allowed web numeric types
Open API configuration
Operation Class
Used to parse the files Queries.xml and Maintain.xml with XStream
Wrapper around elements that should be operated by an operator
Option Class
Used to parse the files in 'menu' folder with XStream
Generates a menu option
OrderBy Class
Used to parse the files Queries.xml with XStream
Generates an order by statement
OutputField Class
Used to parse the files Queries.xml and Maintain.xml with XStream
Superclass of Field and Computed class
OutputFormatType Enumerated
List of allowed widget parameter types
Over Class
Used to parse window functions
Generates a OVER condition in a query
Tab Class
Panelable class
Generates an screen criteria
Parameter Class
Used to parse the file Actions.xml with XStream
Client action parameter
ParameterType Enumerated
List of allowed parameter types in queries
Email Class
PartitionBy Class
Used to parse the files Queries.xml with XStream
Generates a group by statement inside a query
Manage the development paths
Default pattern builder
PivotTable Class
Used to parse a pivot table tag with XStream
Generates an screen pivot table
PrinterService Class
Provides server printer information
Profile Class
Used to parse the files in profile folder with XStream
These files have the specific restrictions of a profile
Initialize properties
Property service class.
Filter class to authorize request if query or maintain are public
Queries Class
Used to parse the files Queries.xml with XStream
Stores the query list
Query Class
Used to parse the files Queries.xml with XStream
Generates and launches a query statement
Query builder interface
Interface to launch query processes
QueryLauncher Class
Factory class of interface QueryConnector
Class that holds information of Query Variable obtained from AWERequest parameters
Provides methods to retrieve application data
Abstract query builder
Serve Class
Used to parse the file Maintain.xml with XStream
Target for calling service
Queue Class
Used to parse the tag 'service' in file Services.xml with XStream
This file contains the list of application service
Generate service datalist
Queue Listener (application listener)
Class which manages receiving messages from topic queue
QueueQueryConnector Class
Connection class between QueryLauncher and EnumBuilder
QueueMessageType Enumerated
List of allowed queue message types
QueueMessageWrapperType Enumerated
List of allowed queue message wrapper types
Generate service datalists
QueueQueryConnector Class
Connection class between QueryLauncher and EnumBuilder
Queues Class
Used to parse the tag 'queues' in file Queues.xml with XStream
This file contains the list of application queues
Scheduler module properties
Recording save mode enum
Redirect action builder
Redirect action builder
Replace columns action builder
Remove classes action builder
Replace columns action builder
Replace columns action builder
Generate the component controllers of the screen
Generate the component controllers of the screen
QueryService Class
RequestMessage Class
Request message XML Wrapper
Request wrapper interface
Resizable Class
Used to parse a resizable tag with XStream
Generates a resizable structure
ResponseMessage Class
Response message XML Wrapper
Response Wrapper interface
Class used to start AWE as a microservice
AWE Rest connector config properties
Launches a Rest service
RestContentType Enumerated
List of allowed REST content types
Rest parameter class
ServiceParameter type Enum
Restriction Class
RestrictionType Enumerated
List of screen restrictions
REST security configuration
Multiple Class
Used to parse the file Maintain.xml with XStream
Target for multiple update records.
Encoder in RipEmd160
Created by dfuentes on 19/06/2017.
RoundingType Enumerated
List of allowed web numeric types
Component used for load datasource target map in AweRoutingDataSource
Row list process interface
RowType Enumerated
List of row modification types
Scheduler module configuration
Scheduler module properties
REST security configuration
Schedule Task Pool config properties
Screen Class
Used to parse the files in the screen folder with XStream
Base tag for each screen
Screen action builder
Screen change event
AbstractAction Class
Used to parse screen actions with XStream
Parent class for ButtonAction, Menu and Option classes
AbstractAction Class
Used to parse screen actions with XStream
Parent class for ButtonAction, Menu and Option classes
Generate the component controllers of the screen
Manage the specific configuration of a screen
Screen data Class
Manage all incoming action requests
Generate the component model of the screen
Manage the specific configuration of a screen
Manage AWE screen access
Ldap authentication configuration properties
Select action builder
Select all rows action builder
SelectedValueType Enumerated
List of selected value type in criteria
Utilities suite for selenium testing
Utilities suite for selenium testing
Initialize serializer beans
Serve Class
Used to parse the file Maintain.xml with XStream
Target for calling service
Service Class
Used to parse the tag 'service' in file Services.xml with XStream
This file contains the list of application service
Generate service datalists
Base class for all custom service
Manages distinct service launchers
ServiceData Class
This class is used to generate objects as return of a service call
Generic class that implements ResponseWrapper and is used to parse the response from a microservice/rest service when no specific class is provided
Rest service details
ServiceInputParameter Class
Used to parse the tag 'service_parameter' in file Services.xml with XStream
This class is used to instantiate input parameters for a service
ServiceJava Class
Used to parse the tag 'java' in file Services.xml with XStream
This file contains a 'Java Service', which means a method inside a classname
Maintain connector for services
ServiceMicroservice Class
Used to parse the tag 'microservice' in file Services.xml with XStream
This file contains a Microservice call using the default Microservice URL and the service parameters
ServiceOutputParameter Class
ServicePK Class
EnumQueryConnector Class
Connection class between QueryLauncher and EnumBuilder
ServiceRest Class
Used to parse the tag 'rest' in file Services.xml with XStream
This file contains a rest call using the default REST URL and the service parameters
Services Class
Used to parse the tag 'service' in file Services.xml with XStream
This file contains the list of application service
Manages distinct service launchers
Session annotations processor containing pointcuts and advises
AWE Session configuration class
Awe session configuration properties
Session annotation processor
Session service
Manage settings request
Created by dfuentes on 19/06/2017.
Replace columns action builder
SortColumn Class
Bean class with sort column definition
TotalizeRowProcessor class
Custom Spring Expression Language Implementation
closes the JDBC connection at the end of the query
or clause executionGenerates sql codes
Class used to launch initial load treads
SqlExtractorQueriesType Enumerated
List of sql extractor screen queries restrictions
Sql Extractor Engine service
SqlField Class
Used to parse the files Queries.xml and Maintain.xml with XStream
Superclass of Field and Computed class
Generates SQL for maintain operations
Maintain connector for SQL
Generates sql codes
SQLQueryConnector Class
Connection class between QueryLauncher and SQLQueryBuilder
StringUtil Class
Context help generation service
Tab Class
Used to parse a tab with XStream
Generates an screen criteria
TabContainer Class
Used to parse a tab with XStream
Generates an screen criteria
Table Class
Used to parse the files Queries.xml with XStream
Generates a table statement
Tag Class
Used to parse screen actions with XStream
Default HTML tag
TagList Class
Build a tag list
Target Class
Used to parse the file Maintain.xml with XStream
Contains a list of maintain queries and allows to launch them all
Task bean
Class used to launch initial load treads
Executor task config properties
Task dependency bean
Task parameter bean
Manage template configuration
Manage template request
Initial load runner
Launches initial load values
Manage AWE screen access
Thymeleaf configuration.
Add classes action builder
Tool module configuration
Annotation to add parameter values to session context
Totalize Class
Used to parse the file Queries.xml with XStream
Totalize from queries.
TotalizeBy Class
Used to parse the files Queries.xml and Maintain.xml with XStream
Fields used to totalize
TransformCellProcessor class
TotalizeBy Class
Used to parse the files Queries.xml and Maintain.xml with XStream
Fields which are going to be totalized
TotalizeFunctionType Enumerated
List of allowed totalise function types in queries
TotalizeRowProcessor class
TotalizeFunctionType Enumerated
List of allowed totalise function types in queries
Manage application accesses
TransformCellProcessor class
TransformType Enumerated
List of allowed transform types in queries
Transition field Class
Used to parse the files Queries.xml and Maintain.xml with XStream
Table Fields from queries and maintain
TransformCellProcessor class
Trigger types
Union Class
Used to parse the files Queries.xml with XStream
Generates an union statement
UnionType Enumerated
List of allowed web service types
Unselect all rows action builder
Update Class
Update cell action builder
Fill action builder
Update row action builder
Manage template request
User bean class Mapping ope table
User data implementation
Variable Class
Used to parse the files Queries.xml and Maintain.xml with XStream
Parses a variable in the query
Video Tag Class
Used to parse video tag with XStream
Default HTML video tag
Video formats recording enumeration
Message Class
Used to parse a message tag with XStream
Generates a piece of code with literals that can be used to retrieve confirmation title and descriptions
WebTooltip options
Web numeric component options
Web pivot options options
Web security configuration class.
WebSettings component
Awe Web Socket configuration.
Event when websocket is connected
WebTooltip options
Widget Class
Used to parse a widget tag with XStream
Generates an screen widget
WidgetParameter Class
Used to parse a widget parameter or parameter group with XStream
Widget parameter or widget parameter list
WidgetParameterType Enumerated
List of allowed widget parameter types
Window Class
Used to parse a window tag with XStream
Generates a window structure with header center and footing
Wizard Class
Used to parse a wizard with XStream
Generates an screen wizard
WizardPanel Class
Used to parse a wizard panel with XStream
Generates an wizard panel
XMLFile Interface
Thread safe read for XML files
XMLNode Interface
Thread safe read for XML nodes
Zip file util class